Hi, I am a 25-year-old female born from an Iranian dad in the United States. It is my first time traveling to Iran and I would like to visit my family. My father is excited about my trip; however other members of my family and friends are very concerned and don’t support my decision. I have heard rumors of U.S. passports being taken away at the border, and other stories of not being allowed to leave the country. I know these concerns may be due to the movie “Not without my Daughter” by Sally Field as well as the confusion with Iraq. I want to know if there are any concerns about being a young, white, female, traveling to Iran. What should I be concerned about?
Hi there, if you decided to travel to Iran just forget all about the rumors and the news on the media as most of those are based on propaganda against Iran. There are so many advertisements for traveling to Afghanistan on BBC world news. I know Afghanistan is really nice country and the people are friendly but still the safety concerns are more serious than in Iran. Everything they show is intentionally against Iran. Read more about safety in Iran.
Based on the feedback from other travelers Iran is a wonderful country and you will have a great time here. This country is so rich in history and culture that you will feel proud to be originated from. Read the travelers’ feedback and share it with your family to make them rest assured.
We answer all questions about Iran. If you also have any questions, get in touch with our team.