We are considering a tour to Iran in the fall. Are visitors from the US welcomed despite the sanctions we keep putting on them?
We are Jewish, but not particularly observant. Do we have to keep our religion hidden?
We would appreciate any comments or suggestions about the advisability of going now.
Iran is quite a safe country and the Iranians are very friendly and hospitable. Americans are the most welcoming nation in Iran. However, like anywhere else, with some common sense, you will be on the safe side. Keep away from unfamiliar places, especially at night. Be friendly to the people, and they will return the gesture. Don’t be scared or shocked if Iranians approach you, they want to communicate, it all comes from the hospitality behavior of these people. The biggest majority of Iranians that you will meet will be very hospitable and friendly. Once you are in Iran try to relax and have fun, respect the culture and people and you will get ten times back in kindness.
The three nationalities of the US, UK, and Canada can travel to Iran under specific circumstances. They have to take part in a guided tour and the process of visa issuance takes a bit longer time. However, it won’t affect the rate of visa approval for these nationalities. The rate of approval for Leaveabode visa cases was 99% until now.
Check out visa requirements for all nationalities.
Read more about Iranians’ attitude towards Americans.
About being Jewish: the second largest Jewish community in the middle east is in Iran. Israel has most Jews then comes to Iran. The Jewish community in Iran is from a very old bloodline of the Jewish community.
People in Iran don’t care if you are of Jewish faith or not. Government dislikes Israel but they don’t mind people of Jewish background. However, if you have an Israeli stamp on your passport your visa will not be approved.
You will have the chance to meet the Jewish community and visit their synagogues. This should be arranged by the travel agency.
We answer all questions about Iran. If you also have any questions, just send us a note.